Through my eyes is a moment in time of expression. I want to step into the world cada día and be in awe of creation and each day Enamórame nuevamente of everything that my eyes see, my intention is to find “God in all things”. Siempre estoy on a continuous journey of discovering God’s weaving thread through my life, a journey of self-discovery, and learning to embrace my identidad. Part of my identity is speaking in Spanglish, which I always used to fight it. A pasar el tiempo, I have learned to love that about me, lo bello de cuando no encuentro una palabra in one language, the other language knows exactly what I am trying to say. I am discovering that através de mis ojos I see in more than one language, there always something more than what our eyes first see, solo hay que poner un poco de atención. I am not a professional in the art of photography, pero quiero plasmar some of the beauty that I get the privilege to see in my life.
My name is Alicia, (Ali) I was born in East Los Angeles, California, desde Los 4O días de nacida me llevaron a Zacatecas Mexico. Through my journey I have come to embrace que soy de aquí y soy de allá! Identidad is a journey that I have been on all my life, the search of quien soy, what I’m passionate about, lo que me hace llorar y reír, the things that make my heart feel full son cosas que sigo buscando. I am a first generation student, working on my way to a masters of Theology and Ministry, and discovering God’s plan for me. Although there are many things in the world that make my heart break, I am always amazed to see beauty in people, the gente keep me grounded and remind me to have Esperanza and that there is light when at times we might only see darkness.